Large-scale regeneration
Compendium Living only takes on large-scale, complex, residential-led development and regeneration projects. We work exclusively with public sector partners on strategic developments which will create or transform places. We understand that there is a lot more to place-making than simply building houses; we want our places to be popular, aspirational and sustainable. This means that they need easy access to all the facilities and services that people expect to enable them to live full and happy lives. Our planning and design approach to new projects includes detailed appraisals of existing provision and proposals to fill gaps where these exist.
Funding and Land Assembly
Our projects often necessitate complex land assembly. It isn’t unusual for land and property to be in multiple ownerships and long term projects require detailed land assembly plans. We are very used to acquiring land through negotiation; we are also experienced in the CPO process and have worked closely with public partners to resource CPO where this has proved necessary to secure property required for development. We have the financial backing of two very substantial shareholders and are able to structure project finance to facilitate the early investment that many regeneration projects depend on for their longer term success.
Urban design
We work with some of the best known and most experienced firms of urban planners, masterplanners and architects in the country and pride ourselves on our very strong focus on good design. This is a critical component in creating identities for new places, for facilitating pride in their residents and for ensuring lasting popularity and success. We are often called upon to interpret public partners’ masterplans and design aspirations and are highly experienced in managing the various aspirations of key stakeholders within commercial parameters.
Working in partnership
Our projects often involve multiple partners and many beyond our local public sponsors. We work with resident associations, housing associations, retail and cultural facilities, sports and leisure organisations, educational establishments and local businesses of all sorts to help develop shared understandings of our aims and vision for new places. By doing this we provide opportunities for partners to contribute to and or take advantage of the many components of each project.
Our places must present a spectrum of opportunities for people who live there to relax, play, work and travel. Alongside our new homes and open spaces, Compendium Living provides other essential ingredients for success, in places where we have identified gaps in local provision. These may include new:
- shops
- workplaces
- schools
- community facilities
- arts and cultural installations and/or facilities
- other leisure facilities
- improved transport connections and/or services
We always work very closely with local authorities to ensure that our new places are successfully ‘knitted in’ to existing and proposed infrastructure and services in the wider area.